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Report on 2023 stocktaking of BigTech direct financial services provision in the EU


The European Supervisory Authorities (EBA, EIOPA and ESMA – the ESAs) published a Report setting out the results of a stocktake of BigTech direct financial services provision in the European Union (EU). The Report identifies the types of financial services currently carried out by BigTechs in the EU pursuant to EU licences and highlights inherent opportunities, risks, regulatory and supervisory challenges. The ESAs will continue to strengthen the monitoring of the relevance of BigTech in the EU financial services sector, including via the establishment of a new monitoring matrix.


The stocktake showed that BigTech subsidiary companies currently licenced to provide financial services pursuant to EU law mainly provide services in the payments, e-money and insurance sectors and, in limited cases, the banking sector. However, the ESAs have yet to observe their presence in the market for securities services.

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